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Brown Suga'

Oh man. Just reading this makes me want to burn 3/4th of my wardrobe, but the only things left would be little more than a couple of cotton camisoles.

College wasn't so bad - my all-girls college (may they burn in hell) had a dress code which forced me to wear mostly salwar-kameezes, and in their words, "tops which cover the back pockets of your jeans" because they couldn't even bring themselves to say "buttocks". But still, in voyeur-riddled Chennai, cotton salwars were waaaay better than synthetic skirts and shirts. Ewww.

I too have a problem finding shirts and tops that fit, since I too have been blessed with a torso that tends to grab as much space as possible.

To borrow the words of Mary Roach, I'm exhibiting continental drift in reverse.


I'm exhibiting continental drift in reverse.


[this is good] Oh, SO true. I hate hate hate clothes. The horror of box pleats (did you have to iron yours, too?) in childhood simply gives way to the horror of having to dress up as an adult.

Except in college. Shopping was a day of fun out with girlfriends, and fine cotton was easy to find. Tailoring was bitter-sweet- there was a woman who could make you look like a princess, but her churidaars would cut off the circulation at your legs (more blood to the brain, good thing, no?)

The blissful thing in residency is that I can live in scrubs. Who cares if they're a yucky green color..they're shapeless, comfortable and need no ironing. I spent the whole winter in scrubs and sweatshirts. Love it, except when walking into a roomful of residents dressed in suits and jackets and high heels. Then I feel a little embarrassed and vow to dress better, next time. The resolution lasts all of thirty seconds.


[this is good]

I love clothes, I just love them less on me. ;-)

And footwear? that is my favorite thing ever. Regardless of my dress size, i can always find shoes that make me feel pretty.


L, what about those tent-shaped nighties that cover you from head to toe? When you're sick of them, they can always be converted into pillow cases.

Vijay Ganesh

Folks... Imagine a male's plight... Polished shoes., Ironed clothes, tie !!! and coat / suit for some very important kick-off meeting... Entire india is not suitable for wearing tie... I have got so many black marks around my neck due to tie :(


You are a braver blogger than I! I share your sentiments. You should see me here in New York winters and most seasons, I am wearing at least two or three layers at all times...shopping is a nightmare for me. I absolutely hate it! Sticking to oversize cotton salvaars ease many of the nightmares I have with fitted American styles...

Tara S

[this is good]

Your post was so fantatically written that I am going to revel in reading it again.  The humor was just fantastic, a joy to read!

And SO true by the way.  It seems there is forever a battle between comfort and style.  It's so unfair!

Wonderfully written, I'm going to go enjoy it again...


I would really like a post of yours on footwear [:D]... i can understand, for i react to clothes that are not of cotton and i did wear cotton at school - somehow managed to wear cotton... else the chennai heat would leave me very uncomfortable  ... same with the thicker variety of cotton. I had my hair cut very short to aid circulation at the back of the neck... oh those collars :). After all these modifications i did feel comfortable :P... see i was lucky enough to wear a pinafore and had no button problems with the blouse :P

But again had to wear thin cotton blouse lest I feel very warm. And there were times that I spent redesigning the uniform with no collared blouse ... which of course was not made public. And the same dress was comfortable during rains esp since we were allowed to wear footwear of our choice ;)


Karen Lynn

Oh L, you brought me back to my school days!  My grade school uniform was a green cotton dress with a white pixie collar blouse underneath, green knee socks and saddle shoes.  On to high school and the uniform changed to a WOOL skirt, (with box pleats) white blouse with pixie collar, and a navy jacket blazoned with the emblem of my alma mater.  I remember every September, going to school with gigantic clothes, and by the spring, not daring to bend over at the waist! 

Thanks for the laughs and a walk down memory lane :))


Karen, I did not know that there were uniforms for school kids in the US. 
So the variable sized clothes is a universal phenomenon, huh? That is a comforting thought.

Karen Lynn

Yep Lak,  in the public schools you are right, they don't wear uniforms, but I went to catholic school.  My dad used to buy me shoes a size bigger too...

Srividhya Ganesan

[this is good]


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