I haven't been sincere to blogging lately. Reality has been overwhelming with many deadlines and milestones. There are decisions to be made, and as expected, it has sapped up every millijoule of energy. The engine continues to roll, with influencing parameters still beyond our control. They will fall into place within a couple of months but this waiting has occupied the senses so completely that blogging appears an effort right now. Perhaps once life falls into a groove in a few months, some of the mind will be freed to do what I have been doing with fervour for the past five years.
Work has been quite a drain on time as well. Of course, I love doing it, and so it doesn't quite feel like a chore. In fact, I keep yearning for more time/day to do more of what I seem to love doing. But, time, like human energy, is finite, and sadly lags behind the enthusiasm. Thank heavens for an able and willing associate at work, G, who lifted a lot of the spillover work from my overloaded shoulder.
Work has eased off a little now, and will pick up steam in a couple of weeks, and so, this little post to remind my 32.5 readers that I am alive and as well as can be under the circumstances.
A milestone is that the kid has graduated to class 3. And it feels like just a minute back, I heard Dr. UR announce the arrival of a baby girl. Sigh.
The girl and her friends in pizza hut, after their last day in class 2 (and 4 for one of them):

A few days before the year ended, the school hosted a small carnival. When I say small, I am only talking of the space and scale. The bedlam however was not worthy of the adjective. But I suppose that view is only that of middle age, as the kids seemed to be having phenomenal fun. There was an exhibition of the kids' artwork as well, and some of the kids are positively talented. I hope they don't lose their talent in the mad race for JEE ranks and engineering college admissions.
We also took a few days off to visit relatives down South. So had a whirlwind trip to Kumbakonam, Mannargudi and of course, my sanctuary - Srirangam. The pictures are in no particular order. We had the fortune of seeing the Thaer (car festival) at Sriragam. The sculptures are from the Ramaswamy temple in Kumbakonam.

Not quite sure how to embed the video of the ther festival. Go here if you are interested.
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